European Society for Spatial Biology (ESSB)

European Society for Spatial Biology

Abstract deadline: 15. September 2024

Travel grants will be awarded for selected abstracts!

Session 7

Why is immunotherapy effective among some patients but not others? In Session 7 of the ESSB conference, Raza Ali will present how understanding spatial dynamics of the tumor microenvironment in breast cancer can help predict responses to immunotherapy.Join us on December 12/13 and become part of the spatial biology community-abstract submission until September 15 […]

Sesion 6

Curious how spatial molecular profiling works in 3D? On December 13, Harsharan S. Bhatia, PhD. will explain in Session 6 of the Hashtag#ESSB conference how “Clear-Omics” enables deep insights into tissues! Hashtag#lightsheetmicroscopy Hashtag#tissueclearingWe also have 2 slots for short talks selected from abstracts in this session. The deadline for abstract submission has been extended until […]

Session 5

Day 2 (December 13) of our ESSB conference starts with another hot topic: Spatial Immunology! Sanja Vickovic ( will present a keynote lecture on spatial multi-omics strategies. Camilla Engblom will talk about her approach to analyze immune repertoires at the spatial level.Hashtag#spatialimmunology Hashtag#spatialomics Hashtag#SHMSeq Hashtag#SpatialVDJ