European Society for Spatial Biology (ESSB)

European Society for Spatial Biology

After the conference is before the conference - Save the date: The 2nd ESSB Conference will take place on October 14th—17th 2025 in Heidelberg, Germany! Stay tuned!

Poster award winners

Congratulations to the ESSB 2024 poster prize winners Raz Ben-Uri, IsraelPoster 019: Escalating High-dimensional Imaging using Combinatorial Multiplexing and Deep Learning Lok Chun Fan, BelgiumPoster 054: Recording the high-resolution spatial transcriptome and electrophysiology of cellular networks using CMOS MEA chips Ruth Leben, GermanyPoster 106, NAD(P)H-FLIM and PHIP-based NMR identify metabolic alterations in human lymphoma cells […]

Travel Grants with the support of EFIS

Winners of the travel grants have already been informed! We are happy to announce that we are able to offer travel grants to the Hashtag#ESSB conference through the generous support of Hashtag#EFIS and Hashtag#EuropeanJournalofImmunology

Abstract submission is closed, but …

We are thrilled about the great response to our Hashtag#ESSB inaugural conference: over 300 registrations and more than 250 abstracts! Looking forward to discussing science with all these Hashtag#spatialbiology enthusiasts! Even though the abstract submission is closed, you can still register via the website or on-site in Berlin on December 12/13! Register here

Session 8

We are looking forward to the keynote by Peter Sorger on December 13!

Do you need childcare during the conference? We’ve got that arranged.

The countdown is on: Only one week left until the ESSB conference abstract deadline! Submit your abstract now and become part of the ESSB community! Did you know that ESSB offers free childcare for the kids of conference participants?Hashtag#spatialbiology Hashtag#ESSB Hashtag#familyfriendlyconference

Session 7

Why is immunotherapy effective among some patients but not others? In Session 7 of the ESSB conference, Raza Ali will present how understanding spatial dynamics of the tumor microenvironment in breast cancer can help predict responses to immunotherapy.Join us on December 12/13 and become part of the spatial biology community-abstract submission until September 15 […]

Sesion 6

Curious how spatial molecular profiling works in 3D? On December 13, Harsharan S. Bhatia, PhD. will explain in Session 6 of the Hashtag#ESSB conference how “Clear-Omics” enables deep insights into tissues! Hashtag#lightsheetmicroscopy Hashtag#tissueclearingWe also have 2 slots for short talks selected from abstracts in this session. The deadline for abstract submission has been extended until […]

Session 5

Day 2 (December 13) of our ESSB conference starts with another hot topic: Spatial Immunology! Sanja Vickovic ( will present a keynote lecture on spatial multi-omics strategies. Camilla Engblom will talk about her approach to analyze immune repertoires at the spatial level.Hashtag#spatialimmunology Hashtag#spatialomics Hashtag#SHMSeq Hashtag#SpatialVDJ