Dear Friends of Spatial Biology,
We are overwhelmed and thrilled by the positive feedback we received for our inaugural conference!
A big thank you to all the speakers for their great presentations. It was a pleasure to see lively discussions at the posters the entire time, and also the industry booths were busy throughout.
Great science embedded in a collaborative and positive atmosphere inspired us all – and despite the packed program, we also found time to celebrate ESSB together!
Check this page from time to time for more ESSB news. Below you will find some impressions from the conference and soon more information about ESSB membership.

Registration is not yet open for this event. If you are interested in receiving more information, please register your interest..
The 2nd ESSB Conference will take place
on October 14th—17th 2025 in Heidelberg, Germany!
Session 7
Why is immunotherapy effective among some patients but not others? In Session 7 of the ESSB conference, Raza Ali will present how understanding spatial dynamics of the tumor microenvironment in breast
Sesion 6
Curious how spatial molecular profiling works in 3D? On December 13, Harsharan S. Bhatia, PhD. will explain in Session 6 of the Hashtag#ESSB conference how “Clear-Omics” enables deep insights into tissues! Hashtag#lightsheetmicroscopy
Session 5
Day 2 (December 13) of our ESSB conference starts with another hot topic: Spatial Immunology! Sanja Vickovic ( will present a keynote lecture on spatial multi-omics strategies. Camilla Engblom will talk about
That was the Inaugural conference of the European Society for Spatial Biology
(ESSB e.V.)
- 12 – 13 December 2024, Berlin, Germany
- Venue: Hotel & Conference Center Titanic Chaussee Berlin
The year 2024 has seen many great developments - just to name a few:
The ESSB was founded, Spatial Proteomics was named Method of the Year 2024 and our ESSB founding conference took place in Berlin with over 500 participants – a great success! You can see some impressions on our website.
We have now created the basis for anyone who wants to become a member of the ESSB to register.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to help shape the ESSB, e.g. if you have ideas for working groups within the society. We are also looking for applications for the position of “Young Researcher Representative” on the ESSB Steering Committee/Board. Please send us your full curriculum vitae, a 1-page CV (including your 3 most important publications of the last 5 years) and a letter of motivation. After an internal pre-selection of candidates by the Board, there will be an official electronic election by all members.
We are looking forward to the further activities of the ESSB and to the 2nd ESSB conference in Heidelberg from October 14 to 17, 2025!

Photos: Beata Siewicz, Ute Hoffmann, Jacqueline Hirscher
The conference is supported by